How Much Does It Cost to Run a Virtual Office?

Mon Apr 15
Author: Marcus Fitzpatrick

The allure of the virtual office is undeniable for remote teams and entrepreneurs. It offers a professional business address, essential services, and significant cost savings compared to a traditional office space. But with a plethora of virtual office providers and service packages available, a key question remains: What’s the bottom line? How much does it truly cost to run a virtual office?

Authored by Virtual Office Experts

Here at LowCost LetterBox, we’re a team dedicated to virtual office solutions. We understand the complexities of remote work and the importance of optimising your business expenses. This blog post aims to provide you with a clear and informative breakdown of virtual office costs, empowering you to make informed decisions for your business.

Understanding the Cost Variables

Unlike traditional office leases with fixed costs, the beauty of a virtual office lies in its flexibility. The price depends on several factors:

  • Location: A prestigious virtual address in a major city centre will naturally cost more than an address in a smaller town.
  • Services Included: Basic packages might just offer a business address and mail forwarding, while adding services like same day mail scanning, call answering, live receptionists, or access to meeting rooms increases the cost.
  • Provider Reputation: Established providers with a proven track record may have slightly higher fees, but they ensure quality service and reliable infrastructure.

A Breakdown of Virtual Office Costs

Here’s a general range of what you can expect to pay for virtual office services:

Basic Packages: Starting as low as £20 per month, these packages typically provide a business address and mail forwarding with limited usage and facilities.

Standard Packages: Ranging from £40 to £100 per month, these packages often include a complete business address, mail scanning and forwarding, call answering, voicemail to email, and access to a business phone number.

Premium Packages: Costing upwards of £200 per month, these comprehensive packages offer a combination of the above services, along with live receptionists, meeting room access and digital post room management solutions.

Here at LowCost LetterBox we can save you even more money with our annual upfront payment offer. Pay for a year upfront from today and we will provide you with a 40% discount.

More Than Just Cost: It’s an Investment

While cost is a crucial factor, consider a virtual office as an investment in your business growth.

  • Professional Image: A business address projects a professional image, especially for client interactions.
  • Enhanced Credibility: Virtual offices can bolster your legitimacy, particularly for startups.
  • Increased Efficiency: Services like call answering and mail scanning & forwarding free up your time to focus on core business activities.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: You can easily adjust your virtual office plan as your business needs evolve.

Finding the Perfect Fit

To find the most cost-effective virtual office solution, consider your specific requirements and budget. Don’t hesitate to contact potential providers and inquire about customised plans.

LowCost LetterBox Can Be Your Guide

At LowCost LetterBox, we offer a variety of virtual office packages designed to cater to diverse business needs and budgets. We are committed to providing transparent pricing and exceptional customer service. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and explore how a virtual office can empower your remote business journey

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Tailoring Digital Mailroom Solutions to Fit Your Business Needs

Mon Apr 8
Author: Marcus Fitzpatrick

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, adaptability and efficiency are paramount. As organisations strive to streamline operations and enhance productivity, many are turning to digital mailroom solutions to revolutionise their mail management processes. However, not all businesses are alike, and what works for one may not necessarily work for another. This is where customisation and scalability come into play.

Customisation and scalability are key factors to consider when implementing a digital mailroom solution. Tailoring the solution to fit the unique needs and requirements of your business ensures maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Let’s explore how customisation and scalability can help you optimise your digital mailroom.

  1. Understanding Your Business Needs: The first step in customising your digital mailroom solution is to gain a thorough understanding of your business needs. This involves assessing your current mail management processes, identifying pain points, and determining specific requirements and objectives.
  2. Flexible Integration: A customisable digital mailroom solution should seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and workflows. Whether you use document management software, CRM platforms, or other business applications, integration capabilities are essential for maximising efficiency and productivity.
  3. Tailored Workflow Automation: Every business has its own unique workflow requirements. A customisable digital mailroom solution allows you to tailor workflow automation processes to align with your specific business processes. This might include automated sorting, routing, and processing of incoming mail based on predefined rules and criteria.
  4. Adaptable Document Capture: Document capture is a crucial aspect of digital mailroom solutions. Customisable capture capabilities enable you to capture various types of documents, including paper mail, emails, faxes, and electronic documents, in multiple formats such as PDF, TIFF, or JPEG. Additionally, the solution should offer advanced OCR (optical character recognition) capabilities for accurate data extraction.
  5. Scalable Architecture: As your business grows and evolves, your digital mailroom solution should be able to scale accordingly. Scalability ensures that the solution can handle increased mail volumes, accommodate new users, and adapt to changing business requirements without compromising performance or efficiency.
  6. User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive and user-friendly interface is essential for maximising user adoption and productivity. Customisable dashboards and reporting tools allow users to easily access and analyse mail-related data, track performance metrics, and generate custom reports tailored to their specific needs.
  7. Continuous Improvement: Customisation and scalability are not one-time endeavours but ongoing processes. Regularly assess and fine-tune your digital mailroom solution to ensure it continues to meet your evolving business needs and objectives. This might involve incorporating feedback from users, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing new features or enhancements.

In conclusion, customisation and scalability are critical components of a successful digital mailroom implementation. By tailoring the solution to fit your business needs and ensuring scalability to accommodate future growth, you can optimise efficiency, enhance productivity, and stay ahead of the competition in today’s digital age. 

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Fee Increase: Companies House Raises Fees in 2024

Thu Mar 14
Author: Marcus Fitzpatrick

Companies House is implementing significant changes with an unprecedented decision: an adjustment of their fees, marking the first such increase in a considerable period. This decision stems from Companies House’s comprehensive annual review, revealing a substantial upward revision across most fee categories.

Effective May 1st, 2024, businesses should prepare for an uptick in filing expenses. The impending surge in costs, some of which surpass doubling, surpasses standard inflationary trends. Companies House justifies this adjustment through their adherence to a ‘cost recovery basis’ principle.

This principle ensures that fees align closely with the expenses incurred in delivering services, without undue surplus. The primary expenses driving this adjustment stem from the substantial data processing requirements.

In terms of specific figures, nearly every fee outlined by Companies House is set to increase. Notable adjustments include:

  • The dissolution fee for companies (voluntary strike off) will rise significantly from £8/£10 to £33.
  • Incorporation costs, representing the birth of a company, will experience a substantial increase, shifting from a £12 online fee to £50.
  • Perhaps the most notable adjustment pertains to the online filing of confirmation statements, which will see a jump from £13 to £34.

These adjustments only scratch the surface of the impending changes. With the new fee structure set to take effect on May 1st, 2024, businesses can anticipate a widespread impact from these fee hikes. Prepare accordingly for the upcoming changes.

For further information on all of the fee hikes, please visit the Government website:

If you are in the process of starting up your own business as a limited company, you may want to consider registering before 30th April, and LowCost LetterBox can help with same day registration. But don’t leave it till the last minute as we expect a surge in company formation before the rates go up.

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The Biggest Advantage of Virtual Offices: Redefining the Future of Work

Tue Mar 5
Author: Marcus Fitzpatrick

In the age of digital transformation, the concept of a traditional office is undergoing a paradigm shift. With the advent of technology, businesses are embracing virtual offices as a means to adapt to the changing landscape of work. But amidst the myriad benefits virtual offices offer, what truly stands out as their biggest advantage? Let’s explore this transformative aspect in depth.

Embracing Flexibility: The Cornerstone of Virtual Offices

The biggest advantage of having a virtual office lies in the unparalleled flexibility it provides to both employers and employees. Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar offices, virtual offices liberate individuals from the constraints of physical location and rigid work hours. Here’s how flexibility permeates through the fabric of virtual offices:

1. Location Independence

With a virtual office, geographical boundaries dissolve, allowing employees to work from anywhere with an internet connection. Whether it’s from the comfort of home, a bustling café, or a serene beach, employees have the freedom to choose their workspace based on preference and convenience. This flexibility not only enhances work-life balance but also opens up opportunities for companies to tap into a global talent pool without the constraints of proximity.

2. Enhanced Productivity

Virtual offices empower employees to structure their workday according to their natural rhythms and peak productivity hours. Freed from the confines of a traditional 9-to-5 schedule, individuals can optimise their time and focus on tasks when they’re most alert and energised. Moreover, the absence of daily commutes eliminates time wasted in traffic jams or crowded public transportation, allowing employees to allocate more time to meaningful work and personal pursuits.

3. Cost Efficiency

For businesses, virtual offices translate into significant cost savings compared to maintaining physical office spaces. By eliminating expenses associated with rent, utilities, office supplies, and commuting allowances, companies can redirect resources towards strategic initiatives, employee benefits, or investments in technology infrastructure. Moreover, the scalability of virtual offices enables organisations to adapt to fluctuating workforce demands without the burden of long-term leases or overhead costs.

4. Collaboration and Connectivity

Contrary to the misconception that virtual offices foster isolation, they actually facilitate seamless collaboration and connectivity among team members. Advanced communication tools, project management platforms, and virtual meeting software enable real-time interaction, file sharing, and brainstorming sessions regardless of physical distance. In a virtual office environment, collaboration transcends borders and time zones, fostering a culture of inclusivity, innovation, and diversity.

5. Sustainability and Environmental Impact

Virtual offices contribute to a greener, more sustainable future by reducing carbon emissions associated with daily commutes and office operations. With fewer cars on the road and reduced energy consumption from office buildings, virtual offices play a pivotal role in mitigating environmental degradation and combating climate change. By embracing remote work practices, businesses demonstrate their commitment to corporate social responsibility and environmental stewardship.

Conclusion: Embracing the Power of Virtual Offices

In conclusion, the biggest advantage of having a virtual office lies in the transformative power of flexibility. By transcending physical boundaries and embracing a distributed work model, virtual offices empower individuals to work smarter, collaborate seamlessly, and achieve greater work-life harmony. In an era defined by rapid technological innovation and evolving workplace dynamics, virtual offices represent the vanguard of a new era of work—one characterised by flexibility, efficiency, and inclusivity. As businesses navigate the complexities of a globalised economy and strive to attract and retain top talent, the adoption of virtual offices emerges as not just a competitive advantage but a strategic imperative. By harnessing the transformative potential of virtual offices, organisations can redefine the future of work, unleash human potential, and embark on a journey towards sustainable growth and prosperity.

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Future-Proofing Your Mailroom: Embracing Digital Solutions for Long-Term Success

Tue Feb 20
Author: Marcus Fitzpatrick

In the rapidly evolving landscape of business operations, staying ahead of the curve is essential for long-term success. Nowhere is this truer than in the realm of mailroom management. As the traditional mailroom undergoes a digital transformation, organisations must adapt to new technologies and embrace digital solutions to future-proof their operations.

The evolution of the mailroom

Gone are the days of manual sorting, paper-based communication, and overflowing mail carts. Today, the mailroom is undergoing a radical transformation, propelled by advancements in digital technology. The rise of email, electronic billing, and online transactions has reshaped the way we send and receive information, rendering traditional mail processes obsolete.

Challenges of traditional mailrooms

Traditional mailrooms are plagued by inefficiencies, delays, and the risk of lost or misplaced documents. Sorting through stacks of paper, manually recording incoming mail, and distributing physical documents to various departments can be time-consuming and error-prone. Moreover, with the rise of remote work and decentralised teams, traditional mailrooms struggle to meet the demands of a digitally connected workforce.

Embracing digital solutions

Enter the digital mailroom, a transformative solution that leverages technology to streamline mail handling processes, enhance efficiency, and improve overall productivity. By digitising incoming mail, automating document processing, and implementing electronic workflows, organisations can future-proof their mailrooms and position themselves for long-term success.

Key benefits of digital mailrooms

  1. Efficiency: Digital mailrooms eliminate manual tasks and streamline mail processing workflows, reducing the time and resources required to manage incoming mail.
  2. Accuracy: Automated data capture and optical character recognition (OCR) technology ensure accurate and error-free document processing, minimising the risk of lost or misfiled information.
  3. Cost Savings: By reducing paper usage, streamlining processes, and improving resource allocation, digital mailrooms can yield significant cost savings for organisations.
  4. Accessibility: With digital mailrooms, employees can access mail and documents from anywhere, at any time, enabling remote collaboration and enhancing productivity.
  5. Compliance and Security: Digital mailrooms offer robust security features, including encryption, access controls, and audit trails, to protect sensitive information and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Implementing a Digital Mailroom Strategy

Successfully transitioning to a digital mailroom requires careful planning, stakeholder engagement, and investment in the right technologies. Organisations should assess their current mailroom processes, identify pain points and inefficiencies, and develop a comprehensive strategy for implementing digital solutions.

Key steps in implementing a digital mailroom strategy include:

  • Evaluating available technology solutions and selecting the right platform for your organisation’s needs.
  • Designing and configuring digital workflows to automate mail processing and document management tasks.
  • Training employees on new technologies and processes to ensure a smooth transition and adoption.
  • Monitoring performance metrics and collecting feedback to continuously improve and optimise mailroom operations.

In conclusion

In an increasingly digital world, the traditional mailroom is ripe for transformation. By embracing digital solutions, organisations can future-proof their mailroom operations, enhance efficiency, and drive long-term success. From streamlining workflows and improving accuracy to enhancing accessibility and security, the benefits of digital mailrooms are clear. By investing in digital mailroom technology today, organisations can position themselves for success tomorrow and beyond.

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Are Digital Mailboxes Secure?

Thu Jan 4
Author: Marcus Fitzpatrick

In today’s digital age, convenience and efficiency are paramount. Digital mailboxes, also known as virtual mailboxes, have emerged as a popular option for individuals and businesses seeking to manage their mail online without the hassle of traditional mailboxes. However, a common concern arises: are digital mailboxes secure?

Understanding digital mailboxes

Before delving into the security aspects, it’s crucial to grasp the concept of digital mailboxes. These services provide a virtual address and an online platform for receiving, storing, and managing mail. Your mail is scanned and digitized, allowing you to access it anytime, anywhere, from your computer or mobile device.

Security measures in place

While the concept of storing sensitive information online may raise security concerns, reputable digital mailbox providers employ robust security measures to safeguard your data. These include:

  • Secure data centres: Your data is stored in highly secure data centres with strict physical and electronic access controls.
  • Encryption: All data transmission and storage is encrypted using industry-standard protocols, such as 256-bit SSL encryption, ensuring that your information remains confidential.
  • Two-factor authentication: An extra layer of security is added by requiring two-factor authentication (2FA) for access. This means you need to provide both your password and a code from a separate device or app to log in.
  • Regular security audits: Digital mailbox providers conduct regular security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.
  • Compliance with data privacy regulations: Reputable providers adhere to data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA, ensuring that your information is handled responsibly and securely.

Lowcostletterbox.com: a reliable choice

lowcostletterbox.com is a leading provider of digital mailbox services that prioritises security and privacy. Their commitment to data protection is evident in their comprehensive security measures, which include:

  • 99% uptime guarantee: Their servers are maintained to ensure uninterrupted service and prevent data loss.
  • Data retention policies: You can control how long your data is stored, and they offer flexible data deletion options.
  • Transparency: They provide clear and easy-to-understand policies regarding data handling and data breaches.

Embrace the convenience of digital mailboxes

With robust security measures in place, you can confidently embrace the convenience and efficiency of digital mailboxes. Lowcostletterbox.com is a reliable choice that prioritises your data security while streamlining your mail management experience.

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How to Get Mail Without an Address as a Business

Mon Dec 18
Author: Marcus Fitzpatrick

In the modern business world, having a physical address is often considered essential for establishing credibility and professionalism. However, there are many situations where a business may not have a permanent physical address or may prefer not to use their residential address for business purposes. If you’re in either of these situations, don’t worry; there are still ways to receive mail for your business without having a traditional address.

Virtual mailbox services

A virtual mailbox service is a company that provides a physical address for your business to receive mail. You can then access your mail online, have it forwarded to another address, or have it scanned and emailed to you.

Rent a post office box (PO Box)

A PO Box is a physical mailbox that you rent from the postal service. You can then use your PO Box address to receive mail.

PO boxes are a good option for businesses that need a physical address but don’t have a lot of mail. They are also a good option for businesses that want to avoid having their residential address publicly listed.

Use a friend’s or family member’s address

If you have a friend or family member who is willing to let you use their address for business mail, this is a free option. However, it’s important to make sure that they are comfortable with this and that they will be able to receive and forward your mail promptly.

How Lowcostletterbox.com can help

Lowcostletterbox.com is a leading provider of virtual mailbox services in the United Kingdom. We offer a variety of features to help businesses manage their mail effectively, including:

  • Scanning and forwarding: We scan and forward your mail digitally for you to access securely from anywhere or another address of your choice.
  • Storage: We store your digital mail securely for up to 90 days.
  • Receipt service: We can sign for and collect your mail on your behalf.
  • Customisable notifications: We can send you email notifications when your mail arrives.

In addition, we offer competitive pricing and a variety of add-on services, such as mail shredding and document retrieval.

In conclusion

There are many options available for businesses that need to receive mail without having a traditional address. Whether you choose a virtual mailbox service, rent a PO Box, or use a friend or family member’s address, there is a solution that will work for you.

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Can You Use a PO Box as a Legal Address in the UK?

Fri Dec 8
Author: Marcus Fitzpatrick

A conventional PO Box is a private mailing address that is assigned to you by Royal Mail and can be used to receive mail. They are a popular choice for businesses that want to receive mail privately or for those who do not have a permanent address. However, you may be wondering if you can use a PO Box as a legal address in the UK.

The short answer is that it depends on who you are using the address for and for what purpose.

Using a PO box as a legal address for business

If you are starting a new business, you need a physical address for the business, and you may think of using a PO Box as your legal address. This is because a PO Box address is considerably cheaper than renting your own business premises, and offer privacy than using a home address as your business address will be visible on public domains such as internet. However, there are some restrictions on using a PO Box as a business address. For example, you cannot use a PO Box to register your business name or to obtain a business bank account.

Using a PO box as a legal address for personal reasons

If you are using a PO Box for personal reasons, such as to receive mail privately or to avoid having your address shared with others, then you are free to use it as your legal address. However, you should be aware that some organizations may not accept a PO Box as a valid address. For example, some banks and credit card companies will not open accounts for people with PO Box addresses.

Using a PO box as a legal address for tax purposes

If you are using a PO Box as your legal address for tax purposes, you will need to let HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) know. You can do this by filling out form SA103, which is available online or from your local HMRC office.

Is there a difference between a PO box and a private mail box (PMB)?

Some people use the terms PO Box and private mail box (PMB) interchangeably. However, there is a difference between the two. A PO Box is a mailbox that is owned and operated by Royal Mail. A PMB is a mailbox that is owned and operated by a private company. PMBs are typically more expensive than PO Boxes, but they offer a complete street address, more privacy and security.

Choosing a PO box address

If you are considering using a PO Box as your legal address, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Choose a PO Box location that is convenient for you to access.
  • Consider the cost of the PO Box before you sign up.
  • Be aware of the restrictions on using a PO Box as a business address.
  • Let HMRC know if you are using a PO Box as your legal address for tax purposes.

Alternatives to PO boxes

If you are not sure whether you can use a PO Box as a legal address, you may want to consider using an alternative address. Some alternatives to PO Boxes include:

  • A friend’s or family member’s address
  • A mail forwarding service
  • A virtual office

How we can help

The classic PO Box, which is provided by Royal Mail, is often utilised by major enterprises for large volumes of incoming mail from customers. Customers are unaware of the location of the business because it lacks a street address. As a result, you cannot form a limited corporation using a typical PO Box address. A PO Box provided by a virtual office provider such as us, on the other hand, comes with an actual street address, comparable to someone’s home address, and can thus be used for company registration and legitimate business registrations.

A virtual office service company’s PO Box address can also be utilised by private individuals who do not have a permanent address or who live in shared housing, among other things. With hybrid and remote working becoming the norm, having a PO box with a street address has become prevalent.

In conclusion

Using a PO Box as a legal address in the UK is generally allowed, but there are some restrictions and considerations to keep in mind. Make sure to choose a PO Box location that is convenient for you and that meets your specific needs.

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Streamlining Communication: Unveiling the Benefits of a Digital Mailroom

Tue Nov 21
Author: Marcus Fitzpatrick

In an era dominated by digital transformation, businesses are continually seeking innovative solutions to enhance efficiency and streamline operations. One such advancement that has revolutionised traditional mail handling is the digital mailroom. In this blog post, we’ll explore the myriad benefits of embracing a digital mailroom system and how it can propel your business into the future.

Efficient mail processing

One of the primary advantages of a digital mailroom is the speed and efficiency it brings to mail processing. Traditional mailrooms often involve manual sorting, delivery, and handling, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. With a digital mailroom, incoming mail is digitised, allowing for rapid and accurate processing. This not only saves time but also ensures that important documents and information are swiftly accessible.

Enhanced accessibility and collaboration:

Digital mailrooms break down geographical barriers and facilitate seamless collaboration. Digitised documents can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, promoting remote work and enabling teams to collaborate effortlessly. This is particularly beneficial for businesses with multiple locations or a remote workforce, fostering a more connected and agile work environment.

Improved security and compliance:

Security is a paramount concern for businesses, especially when it comes to sensitive information in physical mail. Digital mailroom solutions often come with robust security features, including encryption and access controls, ensuring that confidential documents are protected. Additionally, digital mailrooms make it easier for businesses to adhere to compliance standards, with audit trails and tracking capabilities for regulatory purposes.

Cost savings

Operating a traditional mailroom incurs various costs, from paper and storage to manual labour. A digital mailroom significantly reduces these expenses by eliminating the need for physical storage space, reducing paper usage, and streamlining processes. Over time, the cost savings can be substantial, contributing to the overall financial health of the organisation.

Quick retrieval and searchability

Locating specific documents in a traditional mailroom can be a time-consuming task. Digital mailrooms overcome this challenge by providing quick retrieval and search capabilities. Digitised documents can be easily indexed, making it simple to locate and retrieve information with just a few clicks. This not only saves time but also enhances overall productivity.

Scalability and adaptability

As businesses grow, their mail processing needs evolve. Digital mailrooms offer scalability, allowing organisations to adapt to changing volumes of incoming mail effortlessly. Whether a business is expanding its operations or experiencing seasonal fluctuations, a digital mailroom can adjust to accommodate varying workloads.

Environmental sustainability

Embracing a digital mailroom aligns with eco-friendly practices. The reduction of paper usage and the elimination of physical mail processing contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious approach. Businesses can proudly demonstrate their commitment to corporate social responsibility by adopting digital solutions that minimise their ecological footprint.

In conclusion 

In the fast-paced and digitally driven business landscape, a digital mailroom emerges as a transformative tool, offering a plethora of benefits that go beyond traditional mail handling. From increased efficiency and accessibility to cost savings and environmental sustainability, the advantages of a digital mailroom position it as a valuable asset for businesses looking to modernise their operations and stay ahead in an ever-evolving marketplace.

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How Small Businesses Can Weather The Inflation Storm 

Wed Sep 14
Author: Marketing Team

The rocketing costs of inflation in the UK are an increasing threat to small businesses. Almost a fifth of UK business owners says inflation and the rise in living costs will have a worse impact on their business than the COVID-19 lockdowns. 

In times of crisis, small business owners have to find practical solutions. Downsizing the payroll is the typical go-to strategy. However, these days, small businesses do not have to downsize their workforce to save money, you can downsize your workplace. 

Virtual offices and co-working spaces provide small businesses with cost-effective and viable solutions to significantly cut down on costs. Either option enables you to work from home or pivot to a hybrid work model. 

Downsize Without Losing Customers 

Small businesses that can adopt a permanent remote working model eliminate the cost of leasing office space. However, the risk here is that the lack of a physical office can have a negative effect on your ability to acquire new customers and grow. 

Credibility plays a central role in developing a brand image that consumers trust. There is a question of trust when it comes to faceless businesses – and with so many bad actors kicking around, it’s hardly surprising there is an element of consumer distrust when purchasing goods and services from brands that do not have a physical presence. 

A physical address can have a positive impact on a consumer’s purchasing decision – especially virtual office addresses in prestigious locations in central London. Let’s say, for example, you don’t display an address on your website. How does this look to consumers? Can they trust you as a brand?

Bear in mind that Google ranks businesses with a physical address you can pin into Google maps. However, if your address is a residential home, street view and Google Earth reveal this to customers. Will they trust that you are a real brand? 

A virtual office in London resolves all these issues. Any business can legally register its office with a virtual office provider and display it on its website and other marketing materials. This gives you all the advantages of a physical office without the expense. 

Hot Desks, Private Offices and Meeting Rooms

Some virtual office providers also provide office space you can rent when you need it. Serviced offices give you access to everything you would expect from a fully-functioning office without the expense involved in furnishing, running and maintaining an office. 

This gives you and your employees the opportunity to meet in an office environment and take advantage of the amenities. Serviced offices are typically equipped with photocopiers, projectors, scanners, TV/audio equipment and a telephone answering service

The business model we have at Low-Cost Letter Box is designed to help start-ups and small businesses keep costs to a minimum. If you need to downsize but keep up the appearance you had when you leased office space, our virtual office address in central London is a practical solution. 

In addition, we don’t tie you into monthly or long-term contracts like most virtual space providers. We offer a flexible and cost-effective pay-as-you-go solution which gives you more control over your spending.

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A Virtual Office Can Make A Small Business Look Bigger

Fri Sep 9
Author: Marketing Team

Renting a virtual office can help start-ups, small businesses and digital nomads grow much quicker than by using traditional methods. 

When you’re first starting up your own business, you naturally have to cut costs as much as possible. In the digital age, that can actually work wonders for start-ups, freelancers and sole traders. 

Yet some professionals are still faced with the age-old catch 22 of your professional image. Customers are more inclined to steer towards established firms that have experience and a good reputation. 

Unfortunately, the marketplace views start-ups as inexperienced. But if you can’t get clients you can’t get the experience and thus struggle to build a reputation. Therein lies the catch-22. 

Moreover, if you’re not making enough money to build your business, you’ll always be a struggling start-up. Sometimes small businesses need to look bigger. 

Rent a Virtual Office in Central London

A virtual office provides you with a physical address that you can use as a registered address for your business. You can even use a virtual address to register your business with Companies House and use it as your director’s address. 

This naturally gives you a professional image and makes a small business look bigger despite working out of your garage or spare bedroom. 

Whilst there is nothing wrong with running your business from home it doesn’t project an image that imbues people with confidence. You may keep your running costs down, but it takes a long time for your revenues to pick up. 

Let’s not forget that the likes of Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Google all started in a garage, basement to bedroom.

We’ve touched on why a virtual mailbox address is more advantageous for businesses than a PO Box in this article. A virtual mailbox in central London takes the advantages up a notch. A physical address in Oxford Circus has the prestige that earns trust and respect. 

Trust and respect bring in business regardless of your experience. 

Virtual Office Packages 

Low-Cost Letterbox helps you effectively build your business by offering a wider range of services wrapped in a virtual office package. 

Standard services include scanning and forwarding your mail to a mobile phone and a telephone answering service. Both of these services mean you can work from anywhere but make it appear to potential clients that you are operating from central London. 

Our telephone answering service even gives you a private hotline which is answered by a professional receptionist using your company name. We will forward the call immediately which gives you the option to take the call in real-time. 

Alternatively, we can take a message from the caller and let you know by email. This type of virtual office service clearly makes a small business look bigger. 

What’s more, if you arrange a meeting with a potential client to discuss a big contract, we have private offices and meeting rooms you can rent out by the hour. This pay-as-you-go solution gives you access to physical office space whilst giving you full control over your budget.  With a virtual office, it is possible for small businesses to look bigger. And that helps you to grow.

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A Virtual Office Address in London Can Leverage Your Business

Mon Aug 29
Author: Marketing Team

In days gone by, it would be hard to justify that a virtual office can leverage your business. But in the digital age, a virtual office address helps to build trust around your brand. 

The digital age provides a wealth of opportunities for entrepreneurs and creative individuals to set up a business with minimal overheads. However, consumers generally trust businesses that have a physical address.

Businesses also earn consumer trust if they are reachable. Sometimes that means making yourself more available. That’s not always easy if you’re a one-man-band trying to build a business.

Virtual offices don’t merely provide you with a postcode or PO Box to use as a business address. Unlike the post office, virtual office providers have a physical address you can state as your contact address. Some also provide a phone answering service.

Telephone Answering Services

Running a business is time-consuming and you may not always be available to take calls. If you are a solopreneur or a digital nomad you may rarely have the time to take a phone call.

Taking advantage of a telephone answering service offered by virtual office providers might just give you the freedom you need. If you’re unavailable for whatever reason, a professional receptionist will take the call on your behalf and take a message for you.

Ideally, you want a virtual office provider that has developed a sound strategy here. There’s little point in advertising your phone number if the person answering the phone works for another company.

Some virtual office providers get around this by giving you a private line. When the caller comes through on that line, the receptionist answers the call citing your business name.

They will then try to connect the call to you – either to your mobile phone or a landline manned by a member of your team. If you can’t be reached the receptionist will take a message and email it to you.

This leverages your business in several ways. A receptionist makes you appear successful. Together with a prestigious address – say in central London or New York – your company appears larger and more successful than it is.

This gives customers confidence. Successful businesses get there because they are good at what they do.

Secondly, you never miss an opportunity. Whether you’re in a meeting, taking time off or so deep in thought that you don’t want to leave the zone, there is always somebody there to connect with a client. 

Impressive Addresses for Prices You Can Afford

Let’s say you rented an office in central London. The cost would be in the region of £550 to £900. That would be great if that was the total price for the month – but it’s the cost per square metre. 

Renting offices in London is out of the question for most start-ups. Even established firms are leaving following Brexit. But with a virtual office, you can still have access to a prestigious postal address in central London. And that looks good.

An actual business premise gives you a registered address you can use to promote on your website, marketing material, letterheads and invoices. It creates a good impression of your business.

Some virtual offices even have meeting rooms and office space you can rent by the hour. So, if you need to arrange a face-to-face meeting with a client, investor or potential partner, you can invite them to your offices.

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A Guide To PO Box Addresses And Virtual Offices in London

Wed Aug 24
Author: Marketing Team

Virtual Offices in London and PO Boxes are a cost-effective and important service for freelancers, work-from-home professionals and other small businesses that do not have a commercial address to receive post. 

These services are typically used to avoid having to publish your residential address in the public domain. There are also several other benefits to using both services.

However, there are some key differences which you should be aware of before deciding whether a PO Box or a virtual office in London will provide you with the best service. 

What is a PO Box? 

Post Office boxes are more commonly known as PO Boxes. They are essentially a private mailbox provided by the Royal Mail. You can either collect the post yourself or pay extra for a delivery service to another address.

What is a Virtual Office Address?

Like a PO Box, a virtual office address gives you a fixed address where you can receive post. Virtual mailbox providers then forward your mail to you by post or electronic delivery to your email or messaging app. 

How do PO Boxes and virtual mailboxes work?

When post or packages are sent to your business they will be delivered to the mailbox services you are using. However, there is a key difference. 

The Royal Mail will not receive parcels sent to a PO Box from third-party couriers such as Parcel Force, DHL or Hermes etc. You will only be able to receive post and packages that have been sent through Royal Mail. 

A mailbox with a virtual office, on the other hand, will accept post and packages from all the major couriers. This gives you more scope to run your business and work with couriers that offer the best prices. 

However, it should be noted that some virtual office providers will not accept parcels that require a signature. Low-Cost Letterbox does provide this service.

What does a PO Box Address Look Like? 

Because a PO Box is classed as a delivery address within a Royal Mail sorting office, your business will not be given a physical address. The address people will send your mail to will look something like this.

Great Company

PO Box 666



As you can see a PO Box clearly identifies that you do not have a physical address. That could put you at a disadvantage. 

What does a virtual office Address in London Look Like?

A virtual office mailbox gives you a physical address. As we detail in this article titled, The benefits of a virtual office in London, a prestigious address in London reflect kindly on your business. 

When you work with a virtual office in London, your mailing address will look like this:

Great Company 

95 Mortimor Street



You can see how much more authentic a mailing address to a virtual office in London makes your business look. 

Can you use a PO Box address as a registered office address? 

No. Because a PO Box is not a physical address, it’s against the law to use it as a registered address. There is legal requirement for businesses to provide an active business address where HMRC and other government services can reach you. 

A virtual office in London, on the other hand, can be legally used as a registered address. Low-Cost Letterbox even provides a company registration service to save you the hassle. 

Whilst the cost of renting a mailbox with a virtual office is typically more expensive than a PO Box with the post office, virtual mailboxes offer more advantages for businesses. 

Low-Cost Letterboxes offer virtual mailboxes at highly competitive rates that are much less expensive than other services. To find out more, get in touch with a member of our friendly team.

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Registered Office Address: Why Does Your Company Need To Set Up One?

Wed Aug 17
Author: Marketing Team

The pandemic has brought about an unprecedented transformation of working culture throughout the world. The UK hasn’t been immune to this change.

One of the ways in which the pandemic influenced work culture is through the countrywide adoption of remote working. The latest statistics show that most employees want to continue working from home. In contrast, only 8% want to work in the office. 

However, adopting remote working models can be financially advantageous to businesses. With fewer employees congregating in the office at the same time, businesses have the opportunity to downsize and save money. This gives you an injection of cash you can pump into other areas of your business.

While the shift to this new reality seems quite seamless, there is one thing that businesses are losing as they take their work home—an official office address.

What is a Registered Office Address?

Any limited company in the UK must register their business with Companies House. The registration helps to legitimise a UK business and provides HMRC with a physical location to which they can forward your tax correspondence to.

A registered address also helps to give weight to a company’s authenticity and credibility. The general perception is that companies logged with Companies House are a real business, above-board and honest.

A company that operates from a physical location not only uses the building address to receive correspondence but also serves as a physical location that helps customers pinpoint your location on a map or check out whether you are an actual business on Google Earth. 

In that case, a rented registered address for your office can serve as your official address of correspondence and improve your public image. Virtual offices are an ideal solution for work-from-home start-ups to reduce overheads whilst appearing like an established business. 

Is it a Requirement to Have a Registered Address for my Company?

Not all businesses need to register with Companies House. For example, if you’re a sole trader or a partnership you do not have to register an official office address.

The following types of businesses, however, are legally obliged to have a registered address:

  • LLP (Limited Liability Partnership)
  • LTD (Limited Company)

What documents will I need to rent an office address?

The process of setting up a rental office address is simple. For a hassle-free experience, you can keep the following documents ready before proceeding with your application and payment.

  • Photo proof: Accepted documents generally include passports, national ID cards, valid student cards, driving licenses, and employment ID cards. 
  • Proof of address: You can submit your utility bill, bank and mortgage statements, valid insurance certificate, student’s proof of accommodation, and council tax bill.
  • Proof of business: If you are not a sole trader, you will have to submit the required documents like the current trading address of your business and certificate of incorporation. 

You can usually send in your documents via email, post, or in person. You can even upload the documents online via the companies house website.


According to Companies House, there are 2.8 million active companies in the UK. The impressive number also implies that cut-throat competition characterises the UK business world. Taking measures to give you an edge over competitors can help to foster survival and facilitate business growth. 

Having a registered office address or a virtual office in London can help you project a degree of professionalism and distinction, individuals that have a home-based business can keep your residential address private.  For more details, contact a member of our experienced team today. We can even register your company with Companies House on your behalf for a hassle-free experience.

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PO Box Address: Why Should You Get One?

Thu Aug 4
Author: Marketing Team

In today’s modern world of emails, communication apps and digital tools with chat rooms, you might wonder why anyone would need a PO box address. Surely they are a thing of the past, right? 

That’s not actually the case. Despite the proliferation of digital communication channels, businesses still rely on the delivery of paper mail and packages in many cases. In the last year alone, the Royal Mail Group delivered around 9.5 billion letters!

If this sounds like you, consider renting an affordable PO box in London. It may have several benefits you are missing out on.

Who Should Get A PO Box in Central London?

A PO Box in with a physical address in central London is beneficial for anyone that falls into one of the following categories:

  • You need to receive post and parcels but do not have a permanent address
  • You are moving residence and need a temporary mailing address
  • Your house or complex doesn’t have a secure mailbox service
  • You work from home and want to receive mail at a place that is not your residential address
  • You are a business owner and want a mailing address you can advertise in the public space, but to demonstrate your authenticity, want a company address with a physical location rather than a PO Box address you are given through Royal Mail
  • You are travelling abroad and want a mailing address to receive both personal and business mail.

According to a study conducted by Citizens Advice, around 4.7 million individuals in the last decade have missed employment opportunities and court appointments because they did not have a fixed mailing address. In addition, 3 million have suffered financial loss.

What are the Advantages of Renting a PO box?

Renting a PO box has several advantages:

1. Better image for business: 

A mailing address in central London helps to project a positive image of your company. Only successful businesses can afford to rent offices in central London and successful companies deliver premium goods and services.

2. Privacy: 

Directors that want to keep their private residential address private can register their business with Companies House using a virtual office mailing address.

3. Good solution for a non-sedentary lifestyle:

Renting a PO box ensures that all the important stuff gets delivered to a safe address even when you’re not in the country. 

4. Security: 

It’s been reported that a series of roadside postbox thefts have resulted in the permanent loss of important documents. Renting mailboxes ensures that all your letters and paper mail are safe and ready for you to collect whenever you like.

How Much Does Renting a PO Box Cost in the UK?

The cost depends on a number of factors. In the UK, the average cost to rent a mailing address is between £10 and £25 a month. Low-Cost Letterbox goes one better and offers mailing addresses in central London for as little as £8 a month. For more information, contact us now and set up a personal or business mailing address in central London today.

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6 Ideas For Business Growth On A Shoestring Budget 2022

Sat Apr 30
Author: Marketing Team

Millions of workers across the UK have quit their jobs in the last year. A poll conducted at the turn of the year reveals that millions more could follow in 2022. A whopping 63% of dissatisfied employees in London said they are looking to quit their job this year.

It’s clear that people are becoming disillusioned with the corporate world and yearn for a better work-life balance. It is anticipated that a sizeable portion of workers quitting in the ‘Great Resignation’ will launch their own business. 

Unless you are fortunate enough to have a deep treasure trove to start up a new business, you need a strategy to grow your business on a shoestring. Whenever venture capitalists take over a merger, the first thing they do is cut costs.

Cutting costs is a good strategy for start-ups and small businesses that have been struggling to establish themselves for several years. The less you spend on overhead, the more cash flow you have to invest in other areas of your business.

Sign Up For A Low-Cost PO Box Address in London

If your business headquarters can be run from your garage or back bedroom at home, you will save a substantial sum of money by avoiding office rental costs.

And there’s no shame running a business in your pyjamas – on days that you don’t have clients to meet of course. Let’s not forget that some of the world’s most profitable companies today started as work-from-home ventures.

Having said that, credibility is a key factor and brand image plays a huge role in the success of a business. How consumers perceive a company will influence their purchasing decisions.

Moreover, consumers are highly distrustful of companies they find on the internet that they’ve never heard of. Today’s consumers are also very good at researching and technology allows them to visit a business virtually using Google Earth.

If your registered address is your home address, customers will not be encouraged by the sight of a three-bedroomed semi in Barrow.

There’s one other issue with registering your home residence as your business address that is worth considering. It will be accessible to the general public.

This poses businesses with two potential problems. The first one is unavoidable. You will be inundated with junk mail from B2B companies in your locale.

The second one is less likely but far more problematic if it were to arise. It’s not unheard of for disgruntled customers to turn up at a business to demand their money back. You don’t want angry customers banging on your front door…whilst you’re working in your pyjamas.

A PO Box in London, or virtual mailbox, provides you with a prestigious address and a physical location in London. With Low-Cost Letterbox, you can also use our mailing service to receive post and parcels and our telephone answering service to handle your calls and forward them to you.

Furthermore, our virtual mailbox service doesn’t announce that you are using a PO Box as the post office does.

Your official registered address will read:

Your Business Name Ltd
95 Mortimer Street

The benefit of hiring a low-cost PO Box in London is all about perception. London is recognised all over the world as a business and financial centre and anybody running a business in central London must be pretty successful.

Businesses are successful because they are good at what they do. A PO Box address in central London can elevate your business.

Register Your Business With A Virtual Office Address

Officially registering your business with a local authority legalises your company and gives consumers more confidence that you are a legitimate business. But as mentioned above, you ideally want to avoid registering your business using your residential address. 

The best solution is to register your address using the company formation services offered by a virtual office provider. This gives you the legal right to publish a physical address on your website, marketing material, letterheads and invoices etc.

For all intents and purposes, your business will appear as though it’s based in Oxford Circus, central London. In reality, you have the freedom to work from anywhere. This service is ideal for digital nomads and anybody else with an overseas company that wants to register their business in the UK.

The experienced professionals at Low-Cost Letterbox can register your business with Companies House on your behalf. You can even use a virtual address as your director’s address and avoid disclosing your private residency in the public domain.

Take Advantage of Virtual Office Meeting Rooms and Facilities 

Virtual offices can provide you with much more than a PO Box and a registered address. Many of them offer co-working spaces which enable you to hire hot desks, private offices and meeting rooms.

We can’t speak for every virtual office provider, but we are confident that the majority will offer fully-functioning offices. Co-working spaces and serviced offices, therefore, give you access to office space as and when you need it. And all without heavy overheads. 

What this essentially means is that you can spend a day or two in an office environment with access to printers, photocopiers, scanners and other office facilities. If you hire any staff, a virtual office is a good place to meet up to work together and discuss your next move.

Virtual offices also typically have meeting rooms which come in very useful for meeting clients. We can erect signs with your business name and logo on them to keep up the appearance that your business is doing well. Then it’s over to you to impress your client with your knowledge.

The business model we have at Low-Cost Letter Box is designed to help start-ups and small businesses operate on a shoestring business by giving you access to all the facilities you need without overspending.

Whereas most virtual office providers tie you into monthly or long-term contracts, we offer a pay-as-you-go solution. This means you have more control over your spending and can channel your resources to other areas of your business.

You may also want to take advantage of our telephone answering service. This gives you access to a professional receptionist who will be responsible for fielding your calls and forwarding them to you.

We give you a private hotline which is answered using your business name. The receptionists will take the details of the caller and contact you on the number you provide us. If you are available and willing to take the call, our receptionists put the caller through. If you are not available, we will take a message and forward it to you via email.

Use Contractors To Build An Affordable Website

The internet has revolutionised the way businesses interact with consumers. In 2022, it’s practically impossible to grow your business in you don’t have a website.

According to Forrester, 71 per cent of customer journeys start with a search engine. This means if you’re not online, you missing almost three-quarters of your potential audience.

What’s more, they’ll go to your competitors. 

It’s understandable that the thought of investing in digital marketing is enough to fill a start-up business owner with dread – especially if you’ve been sourcing quotes from English web design companies. They’re expensive because we live in an expensive country.

The technology that web developers use to build websites is all the same. That means you can find qualified and talented web designers for a fraction of the cost overseas. A fully-functional website tailored to your business brand gives you more credibility, and authenticity and serves as your shop window to the world.

The cost of a website obviously varies from one business to the next. Web designers typically charge by page plus additional costs for complex solutions such as a database.

Websites for professionals only need a basic number of pages explaining your services and a blog. If you’re selling products through your website, you can get free eCommerce plugins – although many have limitations.

The cost of building a website depends on what you need to do rather than what you would like to happen. The good news is that what you need to do can be achieved for a minimal cost.

Use Free Marketing Tools

To grow your business in 2022 and beyond, you need to establish an online presence. Although the internet seems a daunting place, digital marketing is not all that difficult. 

Whilst some professional digital marketers may be able to help leverage your online presence, outsourcing your marketing will be expensive. You can save a significant amount of your budget by creating your marketing content yourself through blogs, videos and social media marketing.

For some small business owners, social media is the most cost-effective channel to promote your business. Social platforms are free to use – unless you opt-in for their marketing program. Even then, social media marketing is not that expensive. Splashing £10 a month on Instagram, for example, can draw in hundreds of new followers.

Being active on social media also shows customers that you are a legitimate business and not another internet scammer trying to defraud consumers. Social platforms are also brilliant to use as your soapbox to share your knowledge and demonstrate your expertise. (More on that later).

The key to growing your business through social platforms is to join groups in which you are most likely to find members of your target audience. Although self-promotion is usually discouraged, you can reach out and answer questions that have been left by other users.

This has two advantages. The first benefit is that all the comments you leave on various social feeds are seen by hundreds if not thousands of people. Comments are also highlighted on your own account.

Perhaps just as importantly, the more consumers have contact with a brand the more it stands out in their memory so make sure you use your brand logo as your social media vector. 

Blogging is another inexpensive means of demonstrating your authority in your chosen field. Written content can also be used to promote your services in greater depth and provide your audience with insightful tips about how your products and service will benefit them.

Keeping a blog also plays a critical role in helping your website to be visible in search engines. In truth, if you don’t have a blog, you’ve pretty much wasted the investment you spent on building a website.

You need to add blogs on a regular schedule and share your content on your social media account. At least one a week is enough, but if you have time to write more, you will achieve search engine visibility faster.

Offering a free downloadable pdf with relevant information that offers value is also a good way of getting access to potential customers. If visitors want to download the pdf, they have to enter their email – which gives you the opportunity to reach them with targeted offers via email.

Create Homemade YouTube Videos

Running a successful business – especially online – is impossible if you cannot demonstrate trust and authority. As I briefly mentioned above, two ways to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise are through your blog and social media accounts.

However, there is no better medium to build trust and authority than video. There are several reasons for that: 

  • Customers get to know you and we all like to put a face to a (company) name.
  • Online users consume video more than any other digital media (78% watch online videos every week).
  • You can probably explain the benefits of your services better through talking than you can in words
  • You can physically demonstrate how your product works better on video and customers can actually see how it works and the results it delivers (89% of YouTube creators give the best information about products).

The power of video cannot be understated. And making videos doesn’t have to be expensive – although it can be time-consuming. But plenty of successful small business owners are making great content and posting it on YouTube. All you need is a smartphone, a script and a video editor.

Are you looking for ways to grow your business on a shoestring budget? Low-Cost Letterbox can help by enabling you to use our address as your registered office, collect and forward your mail and phone calls and, when needed, provide access to fully-functioning office space and meeting rooms.  

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Virtual Offices in London Gives You The Space To Grow

Fri Apr 8
Author: Marketing Team

London, the illustrious home to creative and innovative entrepreneurs, heavyweights in the tech space, media behemoths and a highly skilled workforce. 

Or is it? 

This is all hush-hush, but the capital has witnessed an Exodus in recent years. Young professionals and start-ups have relocated to less expensive regions of the UK.

Although London is a hotspot for pulling in revenue, the cost of renting or buying office space is pricing business start-ups and SMEs out of the city.

The average cost to rent office space in London is a budget-busting £50+ per square metre. 

However, statistics also show that people look favourably at businesses based in London. The fact that the government published a 64-page report detailing the “global importance” of the capital says it all. The report notes:

“London holds a significant market share in most of the key internationally traded financial services and is home to the world’s international bond market and the London insurance market.”

Let’s make no bones about this: London is highly investable.

As a matter a fact, London and Partners report that tech firms in the English capital received more funding from Venture Capital firms than Paris, Berlin and Stockholm combined.

Can a virtual office in London boost your business? 

Just to make it clear, a virtual office in London may not be the best strategy for every business.

On the other hand, if you’re a company that needs to attract investors, partners and lucrative contracts, advertising a premium London address on your website, legal documents, letterheads and emails projects a positive image of your business.

With a virtual office in central London, you have the privilege of showcasing a prestigious address in Oxford Circus – a W1 postcode.

Because the cost of running a business in London is so high, an address in W1 is synonymous with success. Only the best companies are successful – so a business address in central London plays into the trust factor that is so important for today’s businesses.

Cut Business Costs and Boost Profits

Virtual offices in London not only provide you with a prestigious address. We also run a mail handling service and telephone answering service. You basically get your own hotline.

We direct calls directly to your mobile or a dedicated hotline. We can also scan and send your post to your smartphone so you can send and receive mail from a remote location – anywhere in the world. 

When you rent a virtual office in London with us you essentially have access to a fully-functioning office with no heavy overheads associated with running a London-based business. 

With all the cost-saving you can reinvest money into other areas of your business and grow your revenue by taking advantage of the magical draw London has on investors.

Renting a virtual office in London is the smart way for start-ups and small businesses to cut the running costs of your business whilst taking advantage of all the facilities you need to boost your revenue. 

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A Virtual Office In London Makes Good Business Sense

Fri Apr 8
Author: Marketing Team

The coronavirus crisis may have been a distraction for many, but more than half a million bright sparks in the UK saw an opportunity to start a business. 

The Centre for Entrepreneurs recorded a whopping 575,882 start-ups register in 2020.

Work-from-home businesses can be difficult to grow though. You’re mostly reliant on online platforms – most of which work in your favour if you have a physical business address. Hello Google My Business

Virtual offices have proven to be a fruitful fallback option. They give back bedroom businesses a physical address to send and receive posts and meet clients whilst minimising the cost of maintaining a dedicated office space.

Whilst virtual offices nationwide provide businesses with multiple benefits, virtual offices in London can leverage your business more than anywhere in the UK. 

As a matter of fact, there are few locations in the world that can leverage your business better than a virtual office in London.

But why a virtual office in London?

London is an established financial hub. Its reputation as a commercial heavyweight is so huge that people flutter their eyelids at businesses with offices in England’s capital.

One mention of ‘your London office’ and people immediately prick up their ears and pay attention. London is synonymous with success and success is synonymous with businesses that know what they’re doing.

In other words, a London-based business leverages that trusty trust factor. 

However, there is one slight snag. 


According to Oktra, office rentals in central London are through the roof. If you’re a start-up or in the process of growing a small business, your heart falls to the floor when you get quoted figures of between £65-95 per sq. ft for Grade A properties and £55-£65 per sq. ft for Grade B.


So you can see why it makes sense to take advantage of a virtual office address in London without such high costs?

So what do you get?

Premium virtual office addresses in London

For a nominal fee, you have access to a premium business address in central London.

How does a W1 postcode in Mayfair or Oxford Circus sound?

You can use a virtual office address on your website, letterheads, marketing material, invoices and legal documents etc. We can even register your business with Company House using your postal address as a certified business address.

It’s perfectly legal to do that.

Also, if you do need to meet clients, partners or potential investors in person, we have fully-equipped meeting rooms and private offices that you can rent out by the hour on a pay-as-you-go basis. 

We can even put signs up with your business name and logo to create the impression that you are based in the office full-time. 

In addition, we can provide 24-hour call handling services and manage your mail for you. If you don’t live in London, we can send your mail straight to your smartphone. 

Essentially, a virtual office in London gives you all the benefits of a fully-functional office for a cost that enables you to grow. 

That’s why a virtual office in London makes perfect business sense for start-ups and growing businesses. 

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The Benefits of a Virtual Office in London

Fri Apr 8
Author: Marketing Team

If your business is ringing the changes and adopting a “new normal” approach to work-life, mailbox located at a physical address is invaluable for receiving business mail.

How London Can Boost Your Business

Credibility is a key factor behind the success of a business. Without the trust of consumers, partners and investors, there is no company in the world that will get off the ground. 

But growing a reputation as a London-based business comes at a cost. A hefty cost that will hurt the budget of most companies.

Neon light, pulsating venues and abundant business opportunities may call you, but the bloated rental costs for office space will push you away. 

Don’t let the lure of neon force you to return home to your parents with your tail between your legs, business-less. 

Research shows that 60% of small businesses fail in their first year. Statistics published by the Office of National Statistics tell a different story. London has had the lowest five-year survival rate year-on-years since records started began in 2009.

For the sake of balance, London does also boast the highest number of successful businesses in the UK as well. You will need some financial clout behind you for that though. Spend v income in the early days of running a business in London also eats into the amount of time you have to make your business successful. 

The financial commitment required to live and work in the capital is jaw-dropping and heart-pumping. London is one of the most expensive cities in the world and paying for a place to live and a place to work significantly drains your income.

So if you do decide to move to London, a virtual office will free up a significant slice of your budget to invest in other areas of your business.

If your company has a significant turnover to swallow the costs, a physical business address in London’s prestigious W1 certainly helps to leverage how your company looks in the eyes of investors and customers. 

But if the costs are more likely to kill your potential for growth, the alternative option is to rent virtual office space.

Let’s take a closer look at the advantages of renting a virtual office address in London. 

  1. Premium Business Address without the Cost

Having already established the steeeeep costs to rent office space in London, a virtual office with a London postcode can work wonders for remote businesses. 

Essentially, you get access to an address in central London together with other services that create a fully-functioning office (more about that below).

Here’s the thing; perception is everything.

The brand image you project into the public space influences the purchasing decisions of consumers and investors. Moreover, people are quick to make a first impression.

And you know what they say about first impressions. 

Yep, they can be changed. 

The important point to make here is that London-based businesses are perceived as successful. You have to be successful (or affluent) to afford to run a business in London. 

The concept of “fake it till you make it” doesn’t exist in the capital because most start-ups are more likely to run out of money before you make it.


Yet London has a global perception that can elevate your business – regardless of where you are actually running your business from.

It’s perfectly legal to register your business in the UK with a London W1 postcode whilst running your business from a straw hut in the mountains of Timbuktu.

Advertising a prestigious address in Mayfair or Oxford Circus on your website, letterheads and other marketing material projects a positive image of a successful business. 

And people trust successful businesses because successful businesses prove year on year that they are good at what they do. 

So running a business from London may not help you fake it till you make it, but advertising that your company is based in a prestigious London district can.


A virtual office address in London projects the same professional image of your business as actually owning a physical space – but without the cost. 

Speaking of which, let’s take a closer look at the costs involved to rent office space in London.

2.Virtual Offices are Cost-Effective 

We’ve highlighted that most businesses will find London an overwhelmingly expensive hub. 

So let’s take a look at how expensive it is to rent and maintain an office in the capital. 

Having scouted a few office comparison websites, we learned the cost of renting business premises in our hood – Oxford Street – started at £65 per square metre. The most sought-after offices in W1 will probably set you back by £85 sq. m. 

I know, I blew my cheeks out as well!

As you can see, the cost of business premises is calculated on the amount of space you need. The more employees you have, the more space you need. 

For the sake of argument, let’s say you have a small team and are happy to work in a small office of 40 sq. m. That’s not very big for office space. At the lowest rate, you’re looking at £2600 a month in rent alone.

You then have building maintenance costs and utility bills on top. 

If we look at an example that is probably more realistic, the average office space occupied by businesses in London is closer to 400 sq. m – which bumps your rental costs up to an eye-watering £26,000 a month. 

The cost of a virtual office in London that you can use as your professional trading address starts at £34 a month. At RealisUK, this price also includes our mailing service and telephone answering service.

The premium service is £55 a month which gives you scanning and mail forwarding to your mobile phone.

Even when you compare our highest fee with the lowest cost of a physical office in London, you will save over £2500. Moreover, you will receive all the services you can expect from a fully-functioning office.

You could argue that the only thing you don’t benefit from is working with your team on a day-to-day basis. However, we can even provide you with meeting rooms and office space for when you do need to work with your team in person.

The cost for renting office space will obviously cost more than £55, but our pay-as-you-go model means you only pay for space when you use it. Our charges are based on hours, nit square metres. You certainly won’t be slicing off more than £2500 from your budget.

3.Increase Your Availability

A virtual office can offer a helping hand to solopreneurs and SME business owners that need to invest time to grow their business. 

We offer a 24/7 telephone answering service that is manned by a professional receptionist who will receive your calls and pass them on to you.

We have a couple of ways to do this. In the first instance, we will forward the call immediately whilst the caller is waiting. You can either choose to forward calls to a dedicated landline or directly to your mobile. This gives you the option to take the call or phone them back later.

If you choose the latter option, or if our receptionist cannot get through to you, we will take the caller’s contact details and the beef of the message and alert you via email. 

This means you never miss a call and don’t have to worry about taking every call as it comes through. If you’re in a meeting or ‘in the zone’ and don’t want to be interrupted, you won’t be disturbed or miss a business opportunity. It’s a win-win solution.

Not only that but you are given your own private line and calls are answered using your business name. This helps to leverage the reputation you are building by having a business postcode in a prestigious location in central London. 

Speaking of which….

4.Project an Image of Success

The location of a business can lend itself to how other people perceive your company image. London has a reputation as a world leader in commerce and finance – which is subsequently reflected in businesses based in the capital. 

Businesses that appear to be operating from a prestigious address project a positive image that suggests you are a successful outfit. Successful businesses give people the confidence to invest in your company. 

In today’s digital world, there is an added importance to fostering trust in your company. Businesses with a physical location can pin your office address on Google My Business which helps to leverage visibility in search engines. 

5.Access to Modern Office Space and Meeting Rooms

If you live in London, or within reaching distance, you also have the option to take advantage of meeting rooms and private office space. Therefore, if you’re meeting with a client or investor, you can rent whatever office space you need to create the impression you are based here full-time. 

We can arrange to install signs on the doors and walls that include your company logo and give you access to a member of our team that will act as your personal assistance. We’ll even provide refreshments.

As mentioned above, you can hire office space with us by the hour so you can manage your budget and only pay for the time you book.

6.There Are No Long-Term Commitments

Being tied into long-term contracts can hamstring SMEs and startups. First of all, you pay for office space even when you’re not using it. When you rent a physical property, you typically have to commit to a six months tenancy at least.

Secondly, being tied to a contract doesn’t give you the flexibility to move to other offices if you need to upsize of downsize. What would happen if three months into your lease deal you receive a significant investment but need to increase the size of your team?

7.Fosters Remote Working Models

The benefits of a virtual office also give all the benefits of working from home or abroad. A virtual office address in London has been a godsend for digital nomads that are travelling but needed somewhere they could receive posts for their business.

Our virtual office services include scanning and mail forwarding. This means you can receive your post directly to your smartphone or email – anywhere in the world.

If your company is moving out of London and and pivoting to remote working, you can still receive posts to a physical address in London. Likewise, you can either have your mail sent to you electronically or collect it in person from one of our five locations in London

8.Create a UK-based Company From Anywhere

You don’t have to be a UK resident to register a private limited company in the UK. However, because you have to navigate a government website, setting up a limited company in the UK can be time-consuming and frustrating.

Our company formation services eliminate that burden and do everything for you. Our staff has performed company formation service dozens of times so know that steps to take to get you registered promptly. 

We handle all the registration formalities on your behalf, submit your application to Companies House and forward the official documents to you electronically.

You’re also entitled to use our virtual office address in London as your official registered address. It is perfectly legal to do so and is a popular choice for businesses that use the address of their solicitor or accountant as their registered address.

The difference is, we charge far less than legal and financial firms in the UK. 

In addition, when you register a limited company in the UK, directors are obligated to provide a service address where they can be reached. Service addresses are available online and readily available to the general public.

This enables you to avoid using your home address as your office address which means you won’t be inundated with junk mail, cold calls or even a disgruntled client turning up on your doorstep.

Find out how a virtual office in London can benefit your business by getting in touch with a friendly member of our team today. 

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Why is a Wimbledon Mailbox good for your business?

Wed Mar 24
Author: Marketing Team

There are many reasons for a business to choose a business mailbox or a virtual office, but what makes Wimbledon such a popular choice for these services?

We all know Wimbledon for its obvious tennis association as the world famous championships are an incredibly popular event attracting the gaze of the world’s media every year.

But Wimbledon is also a thriving business centre and being close to the centre of London with an excellent reputation and perception in business, all powerful associations for your brand, whether you’re an existing and trading business or a start-up.

A business mailbox in Wimbledon gives your business kudos and credibility, setting your trading address in Wimbledon positions your business in a professional light to your prospective clients and customers.

What kind of mailbox service is best for your business? Well, there are many considerations as to the type of business mailbox you will choose.

If you are within a reasonable distance to Wimbledon, then a ‘Collect’ plan would be the cheapest option for you and your business.

Collect means that your mail is securely stored and then you can collect at your own convenience, At LowCost LetterBox, we handle thousands or items of post every week, so the team are very well versed in maintaining strict codes of security and privacy.

A Collect Business Mailbox in Wimbledon means that you can promote your Wimbledon business address wherever you like, giving your clients and suppliers that essential first impression.

Seeing that your business is based in Wimbledon is a very positive association that positions your business as being established and professional, whatever your business sector.

It’s also possible to have a personal mailbox in Wimbledon. With a personal mailbox, you can collect your mail and parcels as you wish. It’s a great idea if you wish to maintain highest levels of personal privacy and you will be notified by email if there is mail to be collected.

A ‘Forward’ mailbox  plan is a mailbox service, where rather than you collecting your mail, our team will forward, by post, your mail or parcels to wherever you choose.

All your forwarding is carried out swiftly and professionally, so your mail is expedited to you with the minimum of fuss or involvement on your side.

Our Forward mailbox service in Wimbledon is one of our most popular plans and represents great value for any small business, or even to larger business requirements.

Our team at LowCost LetterBox take care to forward your mail accurately and speedily, so you can open and reply to your mail from wherever you are.

Lastly, our ‘Scan’ package gives the greatest flexibility as we open & scan your mail and store in our secured servers so you are able to access and respond to any of your correspondence quickly and easily.

Our scanning is very high quality so you can easily read and digest your mail, and view it on your PC, mobile or tablet wherever you are in the world.

If you’re the kind of business owner who’s always on the move, then our Scan mailbox service in Wimbledon will be a very good choice for you.

If you want to further augment your business perception and communications with customers, then a Wimbledon Virtual Office may be the ideal solution.

A Wimbledon Virtual Office means that you have the additional benefit of call handling with a live receptionist taking your calls, exactly as if it’s your business. It makes for an excellent perception and first response to clients, without you having to be there at all.

Wimbledon is the best of all worlds for your business. A thriving community with great business connections and the association of a global sporting institution.

When this is backed up with a professional service providing Wimbledon Mailboxes and Virtual Office services, it’s a very strong choice for any business.  

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